Centennial Park

2500 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37203

Why go to Athens when you could go to Nashville? The stunning replica of ancient Greece stands in Centennial Park is the most accurate representation of what the true Parthenon would have looked like in 438 BC. Inside is a reproduction of the golden Athena Parthenos statue and the space is used as an art museum and showcases temporary shows and exhibits throughout the year. If you are able to visit in the summer, be sure to check for local theatre productions of ancient greek plays in the perfect venue. 

The Parthenon stands in the middle of the 132-acre Centennial Park, which hosted the Tennessee Centennial and International Exposition in 1897. Nashville’s nickname, “Athens of the South,” inspired the design and construction of the Parthenon as the central attraction at the Exposition. William Crawford Smith designed the full-scale replica with every detail from history accessible of the original structure. While you can visit the Acropolis in Athens, we will never be able to reconstruct the original model in its full glory and Nashville offers the once-in-a-lifetime experience of standing in a completed and detailed structure. A lovely stroll in this beautiful park will capture one of Nashville’s best experiences and is highly recommended.

Parthenon Centennial Park Parthenon Centennial Park